To see the lost saved and the saved matured to the glory of Christ
The Entrusted student ministry is for grades 6-12. Rooted in the desire to entrust the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints (Jude 3) to the next generation, we strive diligently to that end. Our goal is to come alongside parents in the discipleship of students during this important season of life. We seek to be faithful in proclaiming Christ’s gospel, meanwhile trusting that God will accomplish what He desires (Isaiah 55:11). Each week we teach God’s Word and practice biblical discipleship. Once a month we also have review/prayer time where the students separate into smaller groups and review what has been taught the previous weeks. Leaders guide the discussion and answer questions to make sure the students are following and grasping our study; time is also spent discussing how students can be praying for one another.
Monthly activities are held the second Friday night of each month. Please see GBC announcements for details.
Entrusted meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 7:45 pm.
Monthly activities are held the second Friday night of each month. Please see GBC announcements for details.
Entrusted meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 7:45 pm.